Mini Conference - With Lori Arnott Lawlor, Jessica Lawlor & Wes and Sharron Boxall
Free Event - Love Offering Taken.
At our last conference in May, the Holy Spirit gave us a prophetic manifestation and sign, which was all about breaking open the ground of the ancient wells of revival. The Holy Spirit basically took over the meeting and although we know that it was something that He was doing that night, we also know that He isn't finished yet. Wes and Sharron were with us that night and helped to lead us in a powerful and exciting time of prayer and intercession. We don't really know what this is going to look like but we are expecting the Holy Spirit to be with us and lead us powerfully as we pray for and release Revival for this nation and all that that means.
Revival brings the lost to a loving Father, profound revelation of Jesus, healing to broken bodies, and life to battered communities. We need revival in this nation again. We are calling those who want to participate with us with what will be a time of worship, prayer & prophetic declaration. Come ready to pray, worship, and join in with us for these Holy Spirit meetings.
We are fortunate to have two dear friends with us from Catch the Fire Gloucester. They both have a very powerful anointing and have been praying for Revival for many years! They are also people who are passionate about making space for the God to really encounter people with His love, power, and goodness.
We know that this topic is quite a common, but also we know that it was actually something that God has started with us, and we want to participate!
Meeting Details will be:
Saturday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Bring your own bag lunch.