Have an Encounter

Creating Encounters that Change EVERYTHING 

It's time to step into who you are meant to be!

Get our free guide, “Hearing God for Others"and start confidently sharing God's heart with others in life changing ways.


Resources for every stage of the journey

Online courses
Journey at your own pace with these interactive lessons; receive instruction, coaching, and equipping so YOU TOO can be activated.

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Personal Encounters
Join a live online Spirit Cafe and our team will facilitate you having your own encounter with the love and power of the Holy Spirit.
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Join Mentoring and Community
Do you want to let go of fears and insecurities and begin to operate in spiritual gifts? Our mentoring and community are here to help you discover your spiritual potential. 


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Courses, Trainings and Mentoring

Spiritual Awakening Course 

This course is coming soon. Topics will include practical activities and practices that we can utilize that increase our awareness with the spiritual realm. We will discuss how to access the many benefits of becoming alive in our spirits and having correct spiritual alignment with heaven. Get your name on the list to register your interest. 

Cost TBD

Growth Groups  

These live mentoring online small groups will challenge you and help you to grow in confidence
as you hear God, and convey His heart to those around you. 

Group activities will include:
and more!

£20 GBP /Month


People need to REALLY experience who God is. 


I’d like to tell you a story. It’s about WHY I do what I do, and why I’d like to help YOU hear God's voice and begin to confidently share his heart with others.

About ten years ago I was the guest speaker at a Womens Breakfast. Afterwards, one of the young women came up to me and asked me a question. She said, "Several years ago I had a baby named Brandon die, so afterwards I went to see 'someone' about it.

[I knew she meant that she had gone to see a psychic medium] They told me that if I had another baby, the one that I lost would come back in the new baby. Is that true?"

Saddened for her loss, I told her the truth, knowing that it probably wasn't what she wanted to hear. I told her that her baby would not be coming back in another baby, but was in Heaven with Jesus, which meant she could see him again in Heaven.

"Yeah, that's what I thought", She said "because I did have another baby and it wasn't him, and I was so upset I used drugs and drank to the point that Social Services took that baby."

I told her I was very sorry to hear that. 

"So", she said, "I decided to try again, and I had ANOTHER baby, but again it wasn't Brandon, and Social Services took that one too. Now I have lost all 3." 

I realised then that it wasn't ok for me to hide behind my own excuses, fears or insecurities anymore. There is too much at stake.

There are thousands of broken and hurting people all around us who need to know how God really feels about them. It's time what we speak for those who can't hear for themselves!

Having trained hundreds, if not thousands of people now to do this; Having seen thousands of transformational life changing encounters, I am more convinced than ever that we can ALL do this.

I have decided to offer the basic Hearing God for Others course for free (for a limited time) is because I know how transformational it is for every follower of Jesus to discover how to hear God for others. The Premium Access course material is available with more advanced content for those wanting to go deeper.  

The reason I wanted to share my story with you is because I want you to know me and the transformation that I have experienced. And I want you to know that I can help you, too.

Learning from them and becoming part of this community has absolutely transformed my life!

Joyce Hodgson


I was never sure if I was actually able to hear God for others, or if it was just my imagination. It's so exciting for my impressions to be confirmed by others on the team.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

My whole relationship with God has improved and become much more real since I was led Spirit Cafe.

Tracey Harris

For me, your development is personal!

After struggling for years to feel comfortable hearing and sharing God's heart with others, I finally decided to do something about it. What started as a quest to offer an alternative has turned into a system that has helped hundreds of my trainees step into who they really are and confidently share God in life transforming ways like never before.


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