Hearing God for Others course
You too can begin to hear God and confidently share His heart in life transforming ways!
This is an excerpt from the course.
Hearing God
Learn to recognise how God speaks.
Clear Obstacles
Remove the debris that makes it hard to hear.
Giving Hope
Share encounters with God's heart with others.
Choose either individual or group study version!
(if you are part of a group looking to grow in the prophetic, we would encourage you to try the group study version!)
John Arnott
On the Hearing God for Others course.
At his last and most recent visit to the UK, we asked him what he thought of this course. He thought it was great and was excited about its potential impact and transformational power. Here's what he said.
How it will work
- Once you purchase this course, you will get emails with course information. Make sure to check your JUNK folder.
- If you are purchasing the individual 5 Day challenge, you will progress in the 5 days from initial purchase with one scheduled lesson per day (60-90 minutes).
- If you are going through the small group version of this course with a group you will have access to all features straight away!
- Lesson recordings will be loaded onto our course library, you will be able to go and watch at your leisure.
- You will get to KEEP all recordings to rewatch sessions again and again.
People need to REALLY experience who God is.
I’d like to tell you a story. It’s about WHY I do what I do, and why I’d like to help YOU hear God's voice and begin to confidently share his heart with others.
About ten years ago I was the guest speaker at a Womens Breakfast. Afterwards, one of the young women came up to me and asked me a question. She said, "Several years ago I had a baby named Brandon die, so afterwards I went to see 'someone' about it.
[I knew she meant that she had gone to see a psychic medium] They told me that if I had another baby, the one that I lost would come back in the new baby. Is that true?"
Saddened for her loss, I told her the truth, knowing that it probably wasn't what she wanted to hear. I told her that her baby would not be coming back in another baby, but was in Heaven with Jesus, which meant she could see him again in Heaven.
"Yeah, that's what I thought", She said "because I did have another baby and it wasn't him, and I was so upset I used drugs and drank to the point that Social Services took that baby."
I told her I was very sorry to hear that.
"So", she said, "I decided to try again, and I had ANOTHER baby, but again it wasn't Brandon, and Social Services took that one too. Now I have lost all 3."
I realised then that it wasn't ok for me to hide behind my own excuses, fears or insecurities anymore. There is too much at stake.
There are thousands of broken and hurting people all around us who need to know how God really feels about them. It's time what we speak for those who can't hear for themselves!
Having trained hundreds, if not thousands of people now to do this; Having seen thousands of transformational life changing encounters, I am more convinced than ever that we can ALL do this.
I have decided to offer the basic Hearing God for Others course for free (for a limited time) is because I know how transformational it is for every follower of Jesus to discover how to hear God for others. The Premium Access course material is available with more advanced content for those wanting to go deeper.
The reason I wanted to share my story with you is because I want you to know me and the transformation that I have experienced. And I want you to know that I can help you, too.

Testimonials of what others are saying:
I was so encouraged by these sessions! It’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. - Annette
SO pleased I bought the full package. I will be going through it all again. Really good teaching. - Pat
It was really special to go through these sessions. - Francis
Thanks Lori for these sessions. I lost sight of the need to daily surrender all to Jesus and you've encouraged me to listen to His prompting for people I need to forgive and other issues causing a block in the flow of the Spirit. I'm hoping to promote these sessions to my church. - Jo
Thank you for this course. So helpful and enlightening. - Sharon
Thank you so much. My mind has been completely turned around. - Faith
This is so encouraging, thank you. - Nancy
Great teaching. - Rachel
Thank you I was on Facebook this morning and was very blessed by the session that Lori led 😊 I have felt quite emotional today as if some deep sadness is being touched! - Meg
It was a very powerful session and a great blessing. - Pat
I realised I’ve been told so many times that I don’t have any imagination that I’ve come into agreement with it. - Teri
That was so precious. - Grace
I’m crying so hard right now, tears of joy! Jesus totally ministered to my heart! - Tammara
Thank you, the sessions are so good. - Angie
The training I have received has brought me closer to God. - Tracey
Thank you Lori and Jess for HGFO – it has been so refreshing and full to the brim and overflowing with Holy Spirit and the heart and love of the Father and Jesus. - Angela
This really is a blessing. - Franc
This has been so transformative and a huge encouragement and upgrade. Thank you so much. - Nina
This is incredibly helpful. Hungry for all this wisdom and knowledge. It’s so timely just now! The personal stories and encounter with people are so rich for learning. Thanks for sharing them. - Lynn
What a super week. - Rosemary
The content was fabulous. - Philip
Spirit Cafe brought me closer to understanding Jesus and the spirit of our Living God! - Abigail
Thank you so inspiring Lori. - Janet
Thank you for showing us the Fathers heart and how to model His love as Jesus did. - Sarah
Loving this course. - Jackie
Thank you! Lots of very good teaching – so good! - Claire
This has been a massive blessing to my life. - Beatrice
These sessions are invaluable to anyone who wants to hear the Father’s heart for someone who isn’t a Christian. So often we can launch into giving a word like a bull in a china shop purely out of nerves and excitement. Lori’s teaching provides us with reflective tools to help us draw closer to the Father and deliver a word to a person with clarity in a relevant and open handed way. - Allison
Thank you so much Lori! Wow! Such an anointed and powerful teaching! So good to have the heart of God in prophecy revealed and imparted as a foundational truth in the practice of prophecy as we reach out to those He wants to encounter. I feel so stirred and encouraged in my spirit as Holy Spirit is aligning my heart to the Father's so I can grow to truly represent Jesus to others. I really needed this teaching! - Joyce